Through the implementation of 7 storage techniques and the Kaizen principles, Clintons Toyota aimed to ensure a safe warehouse while maintaining quality and improving productivity.
After liaising with Toyota Australia and conducting an involved SWOT analysis strategic plan, it was evident Clintons Toyota had a need to improve time management. This new structure would implement the Kazien Storage fundamentals to improve the warehouse weaknesses.
- Inefficient Picking, Receiving & Binning routes
- Available storage space not efficiently utilized, warehouse layout design not optimized
- Number of locations reached maximum capacity
- Home position separate from delivery point
- Excess work load causing low staff moral, inefficient storage processes reducing productivity & staff engagement
- Receiving home position located away from actual parts delivery
- Initial choice of multi compartment draws preventing irregularity control & 1 part 1 location
- Parts not located based on movement - fast & slow parts located together
Once we had evaluated what our problems were and what needed fixing we focused on making a plan to take action. We use the below ideas to upgrade the warehouse to be more efficient for all departments.
- TMCA subject matter experts review warehouse layout and suggest redesign
- Invest in new more appropriate shelving
- Relocate receiving home position next to parts delivery area
- Purchase standard bins boxes for each line
- Re-bin all parts with fast parts closer to workshop/picking home position & slow parts at rear
- Implement and comply to TSM Foundations
After making these changes to the warehouse we noticed there was:
- Part availability sooner due to quicker receiving process and picking processes
- Easy visualisation of irregularities
- Decreased potential for damage from correct storage
- Reduced risk of miss-picks
- Saving of over 4 hours a day in warehouse staff labour that now can be better utilised in other areas
- Increased staff moral & engagement as a result of less walking & frustration in finding correct parts
- Steps per line reduced from 2.2 min to 1.10 min